
Lunch and Learn next Monday, January 30 at Myers Weinberg LLP

Tuesday, 24 January, 2012 - 12:32 am

Join us for a Lunch and Learn next Monday, January 30 at 12:00pm at Myers Weinberg LLP. Skip the corporate lunch to take a refreshing break out of your day with a power lunch and uplifting Jewish study.

The Chabad Lunch and Learn study group meets bi-weekly at various offices in the downtown area. To learn more, or to host a lunch at your office, contact Rabbi Shmuly Altein at 339-8737 ext. 204. Click here to see a picture of a recent Lunch and Learn at Aikins Law.

Comments on: Lunch and Learn next Monday, January 30 at Myers Weinberg LLP

Patpaw wrote...

I'm so gufetarl and relieved I stumbled upon this fabulous website. It possesses the facts that I have been trying to get for such a long time! Very enlightening and useful really. Good job!