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New Course Explores Life, Death, and the Afterlife

This winter, Rabbi Shmuly Altein of Chabad-Lubavitch will offer Journey of the Soul, a new six-session course by the acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) that will answer a question which has occurred to every self-reflective person: What happens when we die?

Beginning Tuesday, February 2, at 7:30 pm, students who enroll in this course will embark on a journey that will edify them and put them at ease with the topics of life and the afterlife. Practical and powerful, reflective and relatable, Journey of the Soul teaches a Jewish perspective on life that begins before birth and lasts well after a person’s passing.

The course will be offered over Zoom. Sign in information will be provided at the time of enrollment.

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Covid Friendly Menorah Mobile

Introducing the Chanukah Menorah Mobile!

Bringing the joy and message of Chanukah to light up this years stay-at-home Chanukah.
Lookout for the large truck mounted musical LED Menorah this Chanukah, on a street near you!
Candles and Menorahs will be available onboard, just flag us down.


Menorahs & Candles available

Menorahs and Candles are available for curbside pickup.
Call 204-339-8737 to order yours. 

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