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High Holidays at Chabad

We at Chabad join you in hope and prayer as together we approach the new Jewish year of 5780.

This is the season that is the "engine" that propels and guides the journey that is the coming year. It’s an opportunity for growth, inspiration, and renewal. Together we'll listen to the call of the Shofar, taste the sweetness of the Apple-and-Honey, and recommit to G-d on Yom Kippur.

We look forward to celebrating together as a community -- and with your pre-holiday preparation online at

Wishing you a happy & sweet New Year!


High Holiday Services
Join us for spirited and song-filled prayers in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We saved you a seat - no membership fees or tickets needed! At Cha…Read More »

International Chefs day @ the Jewish Learning Centre

 Join Chef Brian Humniski, President of the  Culinary Federation of Winnipeg for a healthy cooking workshop.

 This event will take place on Sunday Oct 27 at 1:00pm at the  Jewish Learning Center,

Though all are welcome, this program will be primarily geared to families with children aged 4-10. 

More information>>> 

Make your own Shofar for Rosh Hashana

  Join us as we learn how to make a shofar from scratch, saw it, drill it, sand it and learn how to blow it too!
Shofar Factory Open House: Sunday September 22 at 1:00pm at the Jewish Learning Centre. For more information and reservations click here

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