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Grand Purim Celebration

Purim in the Air
Thursday, March 1st, 2018

Welcome aboard Purim Airlines Flight 018. Your Chabad crew are here to assist you with amazing food and great on-board entertainment. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the details of this flight and make sure to check-in in advance. Have a safe and pleasant flight!

Statement from the Board of Directors regarding Rabbi Simmonds

Like all decent people, we at Lubavitch Centre Inc/Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg are appalled and horrified by sexual misconduct charges that have been made against Rabbi Yacov Simmonds as recently reported in the media. We condemn in the strongest terms any sexual misconduct and child abuse of any kind. Such behaviour goes against everything we stand for. It is incompatible with our beliefs and values.

These allegations were completely unknown to us until early 2016 when two adult women approached us with disclosures of their experiences many years earlier, prior to his employment with Chabad.

As soon as we were made aware of the allegations, Simmonds was told to cease conducting any activities on behalf of Chabad and steps were immediat… Read More »

Justice and The War on Terror

Please join us on Thursday, February 15 at Pitblado Law for a delicious kosher burger lunch and a fascinating seminar, presented by the Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) in partnership with B’nai Brith Canada.

In the weeks and months following 9/11, the Bush administration launched what it named the “War on Terror” against militant Islam. With the realization that the West was doing battle not with a particular nation-state, but a worldwide terror network, many conventional methods of warfare suddenly became obsolete, as did the traditional definition of war. 

Almost immediately controversy erupted surrounding the advanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA to elicit information from sus… Read More »

Women's Mikvah Fundraiser

Ladies, please join us on Sunday, February 25th, from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm at the Jewish Learning Centre, for a morning of connection, conversation, and creativity!

Learn how to put together a beautiful Purim gift basket with Aviva Tabac while enjoying a delicious brunch and customizable Mimosa Bar! We have everything you need to create the perfect Purim gift basket for family and friends. And all proceeds go directly to supporting our beautiful Mikvah.

Tickets are available here >>

Kindly RSVP before February 19th. This is also a great time to renew your annual Mikvah membership which can be done using the same form. Thank you for your support!

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