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Chanukah at Chabad

Chanukah celebrates the power of the Jewish soul to brighten up a dark, intolerant world with spiritual light and warmth. Just like the Maccabees, Chanukah reminds us that life's darkest moments and greatest challenges can be brightened with steadfast faith and determination.

Watch a special Chanukah message from Rabbi Avrohom Altein here >> 


We look forward to celebrating this special holiday with you!

Don't miss Winnipeg’s most popular Chanukah event!
Join us on Sunday, December 2 from 4:00 pm, at our annual community-wide Chanukah celebration and Menorah lighting ceremony. This year's event will feature a live concert with the Borzykowski Brothers, greetings from elected officials, hot latkes and delici… Read More »

A great big Winnipeg Challah Bake!

Last week over 350 diverse Jewish women came together for an evening of INSPIRATION, CONNECTION and GIVING. The sold-out event was held at the Hotel Fort Garry and was sponsored by Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg. Featuring guest host Soochie of “In the most delightful way”, participants learned how to mix, knead and shape their own traditional challah.

We worked hard to create an evening that would bring the deep tradition and culture of our heritage into today's every day woman. Dedicated to the victims of the Pittsburgh massacre, we focused on the power of light against darkness by incorporating a glow-in-the-dark theme and encouraged all the women to pass on the light through little acts of kindness. The final touch was pro… Read More »

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