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Stand united with Pittsburgh

We’re all still in shock by what took place this past Shabbat in Pittsburgh. We also know that the only way to fight darkness is to add in light. We invite you to join us in a global campaign to stand in solidarity with the Pittsburgh Jewish community.

Local leaders in Pittsburgh have called to add 1,100 mezuzot in the Pittsburgh region, a hundred mezuzot in memory of each victim. Now, Jews around the world are joining this campaign, affixing mezuzot to their doorposts, and doing other good deeds in memory of the victims.

We at Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg are joining them as well. Please click here to read about the campaign and sign up. You will also be able to send your condolences to the grieving families, which will be hand-de… Read More »

New JLI Course Addresses Dissonance between Religion and Western Values

This November, the Jewish Learning Centre in Winnipeg will offer Wrestling with Faith, a new six-session course by the acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), that openly addresses common challenges people have in their relationship with G-d. Watch the promo here >

Beginning Tuesday, October 23rd at 7:30 pm, participants in the course will grapple with issues that many struggle with, including beliefs in Judaism that seem primitive or outdated, reconciling scientific findings with ideas that cannot be proven in a lab, and the role of religion regarding gender roles, relationship choices, and other such controversial issues.

“We recognize that almost everyone has some degree of skepticism when it comes to religion,” … Read More »

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Clubs 2018-2019

Don't Just Celebrate a Bar / Bat Mitzvah...BECOME ONE!

No matter where your child plans to celebrate their big day, the club is a great way for them to study, meet other Jewish peers from schools around winnpeg and have fun! 

Click for more information about the Bat Mitzvah Club or the Bar Mitzvah Club

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