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Reclaiming the Lost Art of Human Connection

How are our almost constant interactions with devices affecting our relationships?

This question will be addressed at our upcoming course Communication: Its Art and Soul. Beginning Tuesday, January 23, at 7:30 pm, Rabbi Shmuly Altein of Chabad-Lubavitch, will present the first lesson of this new six-session course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI).

“Jewish wisdom includes many powerful and original insights into the art of communication that are more relevant today than ever,” explained Rabbi Shmuly, the local JLI instructor in Winnipeg. “The goal of this course is to mine these texts and seek out their golden teachings. I believe this can help us reclaim the lost art of deep human connection in spite … Read More »

Parsha Pucks - Winter Season starting soon

 Parsha Pucks is where boys play floor hockey with instruction from local hockey enthusiasts, and experience the weekly Torah portion with Jewish friends their age. Click here to find out more...

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