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Rosh Hashana Greetings and Calendar Date Dedications

We hope that you are having a fantastic summer!

Winnipeg's Jewish Calendar is published each year by Chabad-Lubavitch in time for the Jewish new year and thousands are distributed free-of-charge at local community centres, schools, supermarkets and to subscribers of the Jewish Post & News. The calendar will feature shana tova greetings to the community and with a tax-deductible contribution of $36 you can add your family names to this list!

We also invite you to sponsor a special date in honor of a yahrtzeit, birthday or anniversary, with a minimum contribution of $100. Each date dedication will appear on the actual date of occurrence.

To conveniently add your names to the Rosh Hashana greeting list or to dedicate your special calend… Read More »

Introducing CYP Shabbat

We are excited to introduce a new program for young adults.

Young Jewish professionals are invited to join Rabbi Shmuly & Adina for a chic Shabbat experience on the first Friday of every month. Mix, mingle and network with other young Jewish professionals in their 20s and 30s in a sophisticated, welcoming, and relaxed setting, with a spirited vibe. Whatever your background or connection to things Jewish, our commitment is to ensure you have a place to connect with other young Jews and have opportunities to grow in Judaism at your own pace.

For more information, please visit

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