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Rosh Hashana Takeout by Chabad

Kosher Takeout by Chabad is committed to the highest level of kashrut and excellence in food preparation and presentation. We are the foremost choice for fresh, healthy, delicious, kosher and beautifully catered events. Currently offering daily hot lunch and Shabbos, Pesach and Rosh Hashana takeout. For more information or to place an order, please email [email protected].

Please click here to see our Rosh Hashana takeout menu.

1st Night Rosh Hashana Community Dinner

Join us for a legendary experience, all of the Rosh Hashana traditional foods, and of course a four course dinner that would make your grandmother proud (so bring her along!).

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016
Jewish Learning Centre
7:30 pm (immediately following services)

Buy tickets >>

High Holiday Appeal

As we pray to the Al-Mighty for compassion, let us now act in kind toward our fellow man… “On Rosh Hashanah, [one’s fate for the coming year] is inscribed, and on the fast of Yom Kippur, it is sealed…” – High Holiday Liturgy  

During the High Holy Days, it is customary to supplement our prayers for Divine mercy and compassion with deeds of mercy and compassion of our own. Be it through schools, camps, adult education, community outreach, crisis intervention or hospital and nursing home programs, Chabad is always there to help those in our community who are physically or spiritually in need. These programs are now in need of your support. Just as your Tzedakah – your gift of “cha… Read More »

Shofar Factory Open House

 Join us as we learn how to make a shofar from scratch, saw it, drill it, sand it and learn how to blow it too! Sunday September 25 at 1:00pm at the Jewish Learning Centre. For more information and reservations click here

The most anticipated weekend of the year!

Registration is now open for our annual community retreat at the Lakeview Hecla Resort. The Shabbaton will take place this year on Friday, October 28 through Sunday, October 30. Relax with family, meet new friends and experience a magical weekend. Together we will learn, laugh, grow, forge new friendships and create wonderful memories that will last a lifetime!

Please note: Accommodations must be booked directly with the resort by September 30, 2016. Please call (204) 279-2041 and reference the group block "Shabbaton". A special rate of $100 per night has been arranged for all rooms, as well as roll-away beds if needed and late check-out on Sunday (upon request, subject to availability), at no a… Read More »

Jewish Calendar 5777

Winnipeg's Jewish Calendar is published each year by Chabad-Lubavitch in time for the Jewish New Year and thousands are distributed free-of-charge at local community centres, schools, supermarkets and to subscribers of the Jewish Post & News. The Jewish Calendar features more than 50 local businesses and contains a month-to-month schedule of candle lighting times, a guide to Jewish holidays, and information on community programs and services. To view the calendar online, please click here.




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