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Can we include you in our Rosh Hashana greetings to the community?

We hope you are having a fantastic summer!

Winnipeg's Jewish Calendar is published each year by Chabad-Lubavitch in time for the Jewish new year and thousands are distributed free-of-charge at local community centres, schools, supermarkets and to subscribers of the Jewish Post & News.

The calendar features a list of Rosh Hashana greetings, wishing the entire community a shana tova. We invite you to add your family names with a minimum contribution of $36. You can also sponsor a special date in honor of a yahrtzeit, birthday or anniversary. Each date dedication will appear on the actual date of occurrence and can be reserved with a minimum contribution of $100.

To conveniently add your name to the greeting list or to de… Read More »

Winnipeg Summer Yeshiva 2016

We are excited to announce the dates for the 2016 Summer Yeshiva!

Winnipeg's Summer Yeshiva program offers you an opportunity to have an authentic Yeshiva experience right here in our wonderful community, employing the same method of study utilized in major rabbinical academies the world over. The energy in the room is simply amazing!

The one-on-one study groups allow for personal growth in an intellectually stimulating and warm atmosphere. Choose from a wide range of subjects from mishna to mysticism, and learn how to apply the ancient wisdom of Torah to daily life. It's Judaism unlocked; your pace, your subject, your Torah!

The Yeshiva program takes place at the Jewish Learning Centre from 7:00 - 9:00 pm and will begin this year o… Read More »

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