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Pesach Lecture: The Mitzvah of Eliminating Chametz

We are excited to launch JLI's Advanced Learning Initiative, offering a unique opportunity to experience authentic, in-depth, Yeshivah-style Talmudic analysis.

Please join us on Thursday, April 14 at 8:15 pm (immediately following Maariv) at the Jewish Learning Centre for a thought-provoking Pesach lecture, presented by Rabbi Avrohom Altein. We will explore whether the mitzvah is to actively eliminate chametz, or if its elimination is just a way to ensure you don't own it come Pesach.

This class is dedicated to the loving memory of Avraham ben Peretz (18 Shevat) and Chaya bas Nachum (25 Tammuz), by Paul and Helen Stein and family. Free admission and open to all! Click here to register >>

Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen

This Tuesday, April 19, marks the birthday of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. Please join us at 8:30 pm (after Maariv) for a farbrengen, a gathering of souls, to commemorate this auspicious day.

Born in the Ukrainian-Russian town of Nikolaev in 1902, the Rebbe spent the century's and his childhood in pogrom-ridden Czarist Russia, the 20's battling the Stalinist attempt to eradicate Jewish life in the Soviet Empire, the 30's in Berlin and Paris. In 1941 he escaped Nazi-occupied Europe and settled in New York, where for the next 50 years he transformed the very fabric of Jewish life in every corner of the globe. 

Annually the President of the United States designates Education and Shar… Read More »

Pesach Magazine 2016 - We've got you covered!

The Passover Magazine features fresh content in a modern and professional design, including thought-provoking articles, informational tidbits about Jewish tradition, the latest in Jewish music and books, delicious holiday recipes, and a complete step-by-step holiday guide.

The magazine is widely distributed throughout the city, at local day schools, supermarkets and community centers, and made available as a free insert in the Jewish Post and News.

Please click here to view the magazine online >>

Leave the Passover cooking to us!

Chabad Catering is committed to the highest level of kashrut and excellence in food preparation and presentation. We are the foremost choice for fresh, healthy, delicious, kosher and beautifully catered events. For more information and to place an order, please call Alla at 204-339-8737 or email [email protected].

Click here to view our Pesach take-out menu >>

Remember to sell you chametz!

Since it is prohibited to possess chametz on Pesach, any chametz left undisposed must be sold to a non-Jew. All such chametz, as well as all chametz utensils that were not thoroughly cleaned, should be stored away. The storage area should be locked or taped shut for the duration of the holiday.

Since there are many legal intricacies involved in this sale, a rabbi acts as our agent both to sell the chametz to the non-Jew on the morning before Passover, and also to buy it back the evening after Passover ends.

Click here to fill out our Delegation of Power to Sell Chametz form.

Note: Leading halachic authorities have ruled that online authorizations are acceptable for the purpose of selling chametz. The tr… Read More »

Shmurah Matzah now available

Shmurah Matzah is quite unique. The word "Shmurah" means “watched” and is an apt description of this Matzah. From the moment of harvest, through the milling, sifting and packaging, continuous supervision guarantees that no water comes in contact with the grain and flour. Any such contact would cause leavening and disqualify it from use on Pesach. The Matzah is then kneaded, shaped and baked completely by hand, guaranteeing that it will never fall beyond immediate personal supervision. As the verse states, “You shall guard the matzot” (Exodus, 12:17).

Kabbalah teaches that the “Shmurah Matzah” we eat during the Seder is 'food of faith' - giving us strength in our belief in G-d, and ‘foo… Read More »

Kosher takeout delivered to your door!


We are exciting to announce that you can now select any item from our regular lunch menu or Shabbos takeout and have it delivered to your home or office with Skip the Dishes. Please note: All our dishes are meat or pareve, and of course fresh, healthy, delicious and kosher. 

Place your order here >>

Purim Under Construction

Attention all architects, builders, contractors and everyone else! Put on your work boots and enter the Chabad construction site as we experience a Family Purim Celebration as never before. We've got the top secret blueprint for an amazing time!

Thursday, March 24th, 2016 
Megillah Reading: 4:00 pm 
Meal & Festivities: 5:00 pm 

Jewish Learning Centre • 1845 Mathers Ave.

Click here for more details >> 

Kids in the Kosher Kitchen

At 'Kids in the Kosher Kitchen', children in Kindergarten through Grade 3 are invited to enhance their culinary skills and discover the joy of Kosher cooking.

Join us on Sunday March 20th from 10:30-12:00 to uncover the story of Esther and her life in the kings palace as we bake delicious chocolate dipped hamantashen.

Click Here for more information on Kids in the Kosher Kitchen and to register.


Hamantaschen Fundraiser

The traditional Purim pastry that you just can't get enough of!

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting orders for hamantaschen. The hamantaschen are absolutely delicious, come in assorted flavors, and are only $12 per dozen. In addition, all proceed will benefit Chabad Torah Tots. Enjoy delicious Purim treats while supporting a great cause, now that's a mitzvah!

Click here to place your order >>

Annual Women's Melaveh Malka

Please join us on March 5, 2015 at 8:15 pm for our annual women's melaveh malka in support of our gorgeous state-of-the-art mikvah. Enjoy delicious sushi, salad, soup while learning Israeli dance!

Free gift with every mikvah membership!

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