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Jewish Calendar 5775 | Business Ads, Rosh Hashana Greetings & Date Dedications

Winnipeg's first and longest running Jewish calendar is published each year by Chabad-Lubavitch and distributed free of charge to thousands of Jewish homes. The calendar features more than 100 local businesses and contains pertinent information on Jewish holidays, candle lighting times, and a plethora of programs and services that are held each year at the Jewish Learning Centre.

To place your advertisement, greeting or dedication and for further information, please contact Samara at 204-339-8737 or email [email protected].

All orders are being taken until Friday, August 8, 2014, and will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. 

Business Ads
Place your business ad in our beautiful Jewish calendar and get seen in tho… Read More »

What can we do to Stand with Israel?

Our hearts and minds are with our brothers and sisters in Israel. Our social media feeds, e-mail inboxes, evening headlines and phone lines carry ominous reports of troubled times in Israel. Rockets are raining down on towns and cities all over Israel, and war looms. Our extended Jewish family is under fire.

Is there anything we can do? Most of us are hundreds or thousands of miles away, in our own communities. Yet our very being cries out: How can we help?

First, on a very practical level:

The IDF soldiers at the border are desperate for basic supplies. We have arranged for supplies to be purchased from a store in Ofakim and care packages will be delivered to the troops as soon as they come out of Gaza for a recharge. Several shipments … Read More »

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