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Lunch and Learn Downtown | Tuesday, June 17

Please join us on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM at Taylor McCaffrey LLP in the Finkbeiner Boardroom, for a delicious kosher bagel lunch and uplifting Jewish study with Rabbi Shmuly Altein. Drawing inspiration from the weekly Torah portion, JLI's Lunch and Learn series are relevant, insightful and a refreshing break in the midst of a fast-paced work day.

The Jewish Phoenix; Stories of Leadership and Revival
Determination is the wake-up call to the human will, and leadership is the revival of a nation. From the Crusades to the Holocaust, time and time again Judaism has been brought back from the brink of survival to flourish once more. This lesson examines the methods of great Jewis… Read More »

Mommy and Me with a Jewish twist!

Chabad Torah Tots is proud to bring you four delightful mornings with your precious treasure. Get out and share your joys and woes of child-rearing and learn some fascinating Jewish tidbits along the way. Mommies and children join together on Wednesday mornings for cooking, crafts, song, stories and circle time!

Sign up here >>

Become a "Minyanaire"!

In addition to our steady evening minyan for Mincha and Maariv at 7:30 PM, we recently started a daily minyan for Shacharit Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 - 9:15 AM. Sunday morning services are still being held at 9:30 AM. 

Start your day on the right note with Tefillin and Prayer!

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