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Passover magazine 5774 now available online

Our seasonal holiday magazine features fresh content in a modern and professional design, including: fascinating articles and insight from world-renowned writers, informational tidbits about Jewish tradition, the latest in Jewish music and books, delicious holiday recipes, and a complete 'How to Passover' guide. 

Click here to view the magazine online.

The magazine will also be distributed in print at schools, supermarkets and community centers around the city. Please remember to patronize our sponsors.

Hand baked shmurah-matzah now available for purchase

Shmurah-matzah is the matzah with the highest standards in kashrut, tradition and taste. Handmade shmurah-matzah prepared especially for the seder plate, is the optimum choice for the Seder nights. Unlike machine matzah which is square, hand-made matzot are typically round and produced the same way Jews have been baking matzah for over 3000 years!

Become a part of this excited tradition and enhance your seder table with your very own box of handmade shmurah-matzah. Baked fresh in NY, each box includes approximately 7 matzot and cost $25. Limited supply is available so place your order as soon as possible.

Click here to place an order >>

Please note: All orders will be available for pickup at the Jewish Learning Centre, 18… Read More »

Don't forget to sell your chametz!

During Pesach, it is forbidden for a Jew to eat chametz, benefit from chametz or even have chametz in their possession. Any chametz left undisposed must be sold to a non-Jew.

You can fill out the Delegation of Power to Sell Chametz form by clicking here.

There is a place for you at our Seder!

Join us for an enchanting Community Passover Seder! 
First Night Seder, Monday, April 14 @ 8:00 PM

At Chabad-Lubavitch, we offer a warm, interactive Passover Seder. The traditional texts are integrated with wisdom and spiked with Jewish humor, while the festive holiday meal is a delight for the body and nourishment for the spirit.

Our Seder is English and Hebrew friendly, and everyone will feel welcome. Enjoy the Holiday of Freedom with a Seder experience you will remember for a lifetime! 

Click here to RSVP and to learn more

A special thanks to our main sponsor Frank Lavitt for his generosity, visionary care and unending assistance. Your partnership is deeply appreciated.

Get ready for Pesach with Kids in the Kosher Kitchen

At 'Kids in the Kosher Kitchen', children in Kindergarten through Grade 3 are invited to enhance their culinary skills and discover the joy of Kosher cooking.

This Sunday, March 30th, make a Matzah the way that our forefathers did… from scratch!

Re-learn one of the most ancient forms of bread making and gain insight into the crunchy symbol of Passover.

At this exciting, hands on, educational experience, the children will thresh wheat stalks, winnow the chaff, grind the grain in a hand powered stone mill and sift out the bran. They will then use this whole grain flour to make their own replica of traditional hand baked Matzah- the way our forefathers did three thousand three hundred years ago, in Egypt.

Special emphasis is placed … Read More »

Important Calendar Correction

We are changing the clock to Daylight Savings Time this Sunday. Please add one hour to the Shabbos end times starting March 15 and for the next three weeks until the end of the month. The same applies to the Fast of Esther start and end times. The halachic times that appear in the Jewish calendar reflect Standard Time and are incorrect. 

Happy Purim from Chabad-Lubavitch!

Click here to download a two page newsletter all about Purim. Please share and enjoy!

How you can fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot LaEvyonim

Matanot LaEvyonim is one of the four mitzvot of Purim, to help at least two poor people. Concern for the needy is a year-round responsibility, but on Purim it is a special mitzvah to remember the poor. This is best done by giving charity in the amount of the cost of a meal so that a less fortunate person can also enjoy their Purim seudah, another one of the Purim mitzvot.

Many of us are not personally acquainted with people in dire need to whom we can give these gifts on Purim day. That is why we are partnering with Od Yosef Chai. Od Yosef Chai supports over 8,000 needy families in Israel, including widows and orphans, newly immigrants, terrorist victims, the sick and elderly, especially before the holidays. 

To partic… Read More »

Special kiddush luncheon to celebrate Rabbi Avrohom Altein's birthday and recent medical recovery

This coming Shabbat morning, March 15th, The Shul @ Chabad will dedicate a special kiddush luncheon to celebrate Rabbi Avrohom Altein's birthday and recent medical recovery. Morning services will begin at 10:00 AM as usual, followed by a kiddush and farbrengen at 12:30 PM. The entire Jewish community is invited.

When is Your Jewish Birthday?
If your birthday also falls out in the Hebrew month of Adar (click here to use our Hebrew birthday calculator), please consider becoming a kiddushsponsor and inviting your family and friends to celebrate with you. You will be given an opportunity to make a L'chaim! at the kiddush and men will be honored with … Read More »

Purim Under the Sea

Sunday March 16th.
Megillah 4:15 Meal and festivities 5:00pm

Shake hands with real starfish, enjoy underwater adventures and crafts, search for treasures in the sand and listen to the multimedia Megillah reading at the Grand Purim celebration.

Click here for more details. 

Ukraine Jewish Relief Fund

You Can Help the Jewish Community of Ukraine
Due to the tense and volatile crisis in Ukraine, the Jewish population is living in a state of real fear. The economy has collapsed and business has come to a standstill.

Ukraine is home to 450,000 Jews. Wherever they are, and whatever the needs, Chabad is there for them. Over 170 Chabad couples live in Ukraine, serving 154 communities. This impressive network boasts 49 educational centers, 7 orphanages, and 32 soup kitchens. This is in addition to the regular infrastructure of synagogues, mikvahs, and community centers.

Chabad is at the forefront of caring for the Ukrainian Jewish community in crisis. Despite the real danger there, Rabbis and their families are selflessly leading their commun… Read More »

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