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Bat Mitzvah Club Orientation

Registration is open for this coming year's Bat Mitzvah Club.

Don't Just Celebrate a Bat Mitzvah...BECOME ONE!
No matter where your daughter plans to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah, the club is a great way for girls ages 11-13 to study, meet other Bat Mitzvah girls and have fun! 

Join us for a no-obligation information session on Sunday afternoon, June 9th.

Click here for more information about the Club and about the orientation

Don't miss the 10% off special!

Camp Gan Israel is filling up!
Don't miss the 10% off special! (valid only till june 1st).
Register your child today.

P.S. Please consider sponsoring a needy child  in camp this year. 


 ENJOY A SUNDAE ON WEDNESDAY at the Shavuos Ice Cream Party, Wednesday May 15, 2013 at 11:00 am . 
Join us for the Reading of the Ten Commandments, a great Children’s program, and a Shavuos Ice cream sundae bar followed by a grand dairy Kiddush in honour of Boruch Altein's upcoming wedding.        more info>>>

Put it in your calendar!

The dates of the much-anticipated National Jewish Retreat have been released: August 6-11, at the Hilton Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. The annual festival of learning in an experience no other. With an endless array of lectures and workshops, gourmet food, and top-end entertainment, the Retreat is your natural choice this summer.
Besides for stirring the mind, the National Jewish Retreat promises to give you a living experience like no other. Top chefs prepare three gourmet meals daily, and stocked tea rooms are open around the clock. After a day of learning, relax and catch a great show from an array of singers and entertainers. 
Don’t miss this unique opportunity! For more information, visit www.Jretre… Read More »
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