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BBQ in the Sukkah

Celebrate this beautiful Holiday in style, along with family and friends!

Join us from 5:00pm until 7:00pm on Thursday, October 4th in the grand community Sukkah at the Jewish Learning Centre for a delicious BBQ, lively songs, a family-style workshop, Lulav craft and much more.

$12 Adult / $6 Child (3-12). RSVP HERE 

Looking forward to seeing you there! 

CJOB talks with Rabbi Avrohom Altein about Rosh Hashana

Click here to listen to a recent interview on the Night Hawk with Rabbi Avrohom Altein, discussing Rosh Hashanah's many traditions and customs and its timeless message.

Get Your Jewish Calendar 5773!

With the new Jewish year beginning comes an all new Jewish community calendar. View the calendar online now

The Jewish calendar was distributed with the Jewish Post & News and is also available free of charge at the Asper Campus, Jewish Learning Centre and in many other locations throughout the city.

We hope this easy-to-read calendar will be useful to you, serve as an inspiration for the coming year and help you to appreciate our rich heritage. Within its pages you will find a month-to-month schedule of information on candle lighting times, a guide to the Jewish holidays and insights into our tradition.

The calendar is another one of our educational and social service programs, which are all designed to make Juda… Read More »

High Holidays on us! Register Online

If you’re tired of nodding off into your prayer book, join us for a High Holiday service that’s meaningful and easy-to-follow. Watch the timeless prayer book come alive with heart warming stories, commentary and down to earth applications.

Click here to learn more.

May the Almighty grant each and every one of you and your families a healthy, happy and sweet New Year, and may you be inscribed in the Book of Life, Peace and Prosperity.

High Holiday Lecture Series with Rabbi Avrohom Altein

In preparation for the upcoming High Holidays, we invite you to join us for a series of lectures presented by the Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) that probe the depths of contemporary Torah thought, with a special focus on issues surrounding spirituality and the human psyche. Each of the three classes offers meaningful and timely lessons, and fascinating discussion.

You will walk away surprised, inspired, and knowing more about who we are as Jews, and who you are as an individual. If you find something that may be of interest to your friends, please encourage them to come along.

Date: Three consecutive Thursdays, beginning September 13
Instructor: Rabbi Avrohom Altein
Admission Fee: $6 per lecture 

Please click here for mo… Read More »

Order your Lulav & Esrog set

Once again we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to have your own Lulav & Esrog for Succos. Please click here to reserve your set before Rosh Hashanah.

Meet the Sukkah Builders

Don’t have time to build your Sukkah? Need a few extra hands putting up walls and laying schach? We can do it all – designing and building your Sukkah from the ground up, helping you implement your ideas. Avi & Oded are both regular participants at Chabad-Lubavitch and can be contacted by email at [email protected] or at 204-218-6849.

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