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Community Purim Celebration - Shtetel style

Come Join the Annual Community Purim Seudo (Festive Meal). In this years Shtetel themed celebration you will enjoy tasty traditional food, observe the mitzvos of Purim, participate in an exciting program, stop to pet the animals in Zeresh's petting zoo and feel at home with loads of fun for the whole family. Don't miss the earlybird web discount.        More details here...

Defogging Our Windshields. A JLI Purim Lesson!

A “pitfall” is defined as “a potential problem, hazard, or danger that is easily encountered but not immediately obvious.” Our lives, then, are full of pitfalls. But how do we identify them? The Purim saga, where masks disguise reality and everything isn’t as it seems, is a good place to look.

This fascinating Torah Studies lesson will be taught by Rabbi Shmuly Altein on Sunday morning, March 4 at 10:30am with a complimentary breakfast at the Jewish Learning Centre.

Now Taking Reservations for Community Pesach Seder

Join us for an inspiring and traditional evening full of insights, singing of Israeli Passover songs and of course a full gourmet meal - all at an affordable cost! Click here for more information.

Chabad's annual Pesach Seder is made possible by 'Partners with Chabad' whose generous support has allowed us to deeply subsidize the event, making it affordable for everyone to celebrate as one community. 

Hamentashen Madness!

Grab a friend and come spread the joy of Purim! Help ensure that every Jewish Winnipegger is part of the Holiday, as we bake up a storm. Join wonderful women of Winnipeg, in the tremendous initiative to bake and give out Hundreds of Hamenstashen to our community. Learn the tricks to create the most beautiful three cornered holiday treats, and take some home too!

Date: Wednesday February 29

Time: 7:00pm

Where: Jewish Learning Centre

RSVP: Please Contact Brocha at 589-2547 

The Parenting Paradox: Facing the challenge of child rearing

Everyone wants their children to become good and decent people. What’s the secret of those who succeed? Why do some fail? This class explores a crucial piece in the puzzle of parenting, focusing on what we can do to plot the course of our children’s future.

The JLI Torah Studies series takes place at 10:30am on Sunday mornings at the Jewish Learning Centre, with a complimentary breakfast. To learn more, please click here

Bar Mitzvah Club

In Judaism, turning 13 is very important: it’s when you become Bar Mitzvah—a Jewish adult. The goal of the Bar Mitzvah club is to teach you all about this stage of your life and why it’s so important in a fun, exciting way. .The club is open to all Jewish boys in grade 7, regardless of whether or not you will be celebrating your bar mitzvah at Chabad. Please click here for more information.

Junior Parsha Pucks begins Tuesday

Parsha Pucks is where boys learn to play floor hockey with instruction from local hockey enthusiasts, and experience the weekly Torah portion with Jewish friends their age. Click here to find out more...


Federation Announces Jewish Learning Institute Now a Partner Agency

Click here to view press release from Jewish Federation announcing partnership with the Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), the adult-educational arm of Chabad-Lubavitch.

JLI Class on Tu B'Shevat

A World of Difference; What impact do I make? 

What will be your legacy? The footprint we leave on the world is a measure of the life we live. Join us on Sunday morning, February 5 at 10:30am, as we explore the lessons of a tree, defining a successful life as one that makes a difference in the lives of others.

Click here for more information.

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